Improve Shopper Experiences with Mobile POS

Retailers are always looking for ways to improve the shopping experience  for shoppers once they are through the doors. One powerful way is by leveraging online shopping style features in the store. Many retailers are now offering customers options such checking out via tablet or they carry tablet based systems to check inventory for customers.

There are many advantages to tablet based systems. Tablets cost much less than the PC based terminals and are easier to update software on. They also have fewer issues with viruses, are easier to train cashiers on, are more secure, and are battery powered. Tablet based systems also help remove barriers between the customers and the store employees and can speed up checkout, making it a more personal experience.

Tablets clearly offer retailers a great way to increase engagement with customers and improve shopping experiences. As e-commerce is becoming more and more of a staple of our culture, brick and mortar businesses must look for ways to improve the shopping experience to compete. Mobile based applications help retailers give customers a better experience with shorter lines or no waiting once they are through physical store doors.

Clever use of mobile based applications within the retail environment can give brick and mortar retailers a tremendous advantage over competition that does not follow suit.


About Kimber Johnson
Kimber Johnson is the Managing Director of Vanity Point, Kimber has worked within the web development, graphics design, mobile application development, marketing and advertising fields for over 17 years.

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