Mobile Coupons Offer Big ROI
While we see that digital coupon redemption rates are climbing right now, they may not provide the biggest bang for the buck. Mobile coupons may be the area where retailers are going to find the best return for their advertising dollars at the moment. We find that modern consumers are typically looking for business locations and deals for immediate use, and are not saving offers as much as they used to do, which opens the door for mobile delivered coupons to be highly successful.
In fact we are seeing research from some sources that indicates mobile coupons have 10 times higher redemption rates than non-mobile coupons. Which is not surprise since we now live in a mobile society. Right around 85 percent of the world’s population have a subscription to a mobile service, which works out to just under 6 billion people. Annual mobile application downloads are expected to increase from 10.7 billion in 2010 to nearly 183 billion by 2015 (IDC forecast) and the growth of mobile is not seeing any signs of slowing in the near future.
The great thing about mobile marketing is that it allows a customer’s location to be a factor in determining which promotion they will see. Therefore ads can be tailored to a customer’s location, which increases open and redemption rates. Mobile coupons can be tailored to your customer as well. Lets say your consumers utilize a loyalty membership program with your establishment that is tied to a mobile app on their phone. You can then offer mobile coupons on products they already buy or that you think they may like based on their purchase history. This is like the suggestions based on your browsing history that Amazon has on their web site and app.
One way to make sure that your mobile marketing program succeeds is to offer things the customer needs. Don’t just pitch your self on a smaller screen like its an advertisement, be relevant and provide something of value to your consumer base. Knowing the location of your customers is an additional piece of information that can help you carefully target the information you deliver so that it is as relevant as possible.