What is User Experience and Why Should You Invest In It?
User experience design is an approach to design where something is designed to improve the experience for the user while using a product. The goal is to improve the interaction between the user and the product being used.
You have undoubtedly downloaded many mobile apps and some grabbed your attention right off the bat. A mobile app with great user experience design creates an intuitive and pleasurable experience in the interaction between the user and the mobile app. Mobile app development that keeps this mind will enhance customer satisfaction which in turn increases customer loyalty.
User experience designers invariably have a deep understanding of users. Perceiving their needs and capabilities and designing for those. Rather than focusing on visual design elements, user experience designers focus on providing meaningful user experience.
UX design is a form of troubleshooting, where designers explore ideas and constraints to improve interaction.
You cannot ignore how your customers interact with your mobile apps and web site.
User experience specialists blend their knowledge of UX Design with an understanding of your target audience and business to produce functional user experiences for your visitors.
What does creating improved user experiences on your application or web site do for your business?
Improved user experiences can increase productivity for your employees, cutting down on time wasted simple tasks reducing your costs. Additionally, a well designed app or web site can not only increase sales but it can also lower your costs for customer acquisition. Beyond that, UX design can help you increase brand loyalty and market share.
Remember that user experience design is not about how you happen to think users interact. It’s careful process based on real data and knowledge.
UX is what creates conversions on popular web sites and applications. Think of user experience as how your customers feel about their experience interacting with your business. User experience is a must if you want to have satisfied customers or visitors to your site.
Photo: Ixdaseattle (Flikr) http://bit.ly/1CQXDRc