Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Steps Up
Samsung has announced the second-generation Android tablet. The new Galaxy Tab offers far more firepower than its predecessor and is likely to be a much better iPad competitor.
Fortunately, Samsung has chosen to go with Google’s Android 3.0 Honeycomb platform on this version. Android 3.0 is properly optimized for the tablet form factor. Samsung has really stepped up to make the 10-inch Tab as a true smart media device. It has stereo speakers and packs a number of sensors such as compass, accelerometer, gyroscope and proximity. It can play full 1080HD video content.
The Galaxy Tab 10.1 will come in two variations, one with 16GB of storage and one with 32GB and will integrate Google’s video chat software, which was developed for Android 3.0.
The 10-inch tablet space is looking very competitive at this point, with the iPad, TouchPad from HP, and Xoom from Motorola all looking very competitive. The Galaxy Tab 10.1’s back is made of a carbon fiber looking covering that looks very nice. Samsung did a great job with design this time around on the device to set it apart from the growing set of tablets.