If you aren’t sure whether your business needs to enter the mobile space with a custom designed mobile application or mobile web site, please take a moment to consider just how important mobile devices are to consumers at this point in time. In studies some participants are responding that they would go without water rather than lose their smart phone and many claim to take take their smartphone everywhere they go, including the bathroom.
Astounding new numbers from a study done by Apigee show that a staggering number that 85 percent of mobile consumers would rather go without water than their smart phone. Digging into the numbers deeper we see that it’s the mobile application function and mobile application market that is the most indispensable to consumers. Mobile apps are becoming a deeply entrenched part of consumers lives around the world as we see that in France about 20% of the population order dinner with apps only and 23% of consumers in Spain utilize apps only to find dates.
People’s lives and how they go about them is rapidly being tied into their smart phones and the mobile apps on their devices and we don’t see that changing in the near future. Businesses that are ignoring mobile applications and mobile web site are rapidly finding them selves on the outside looking in and businesses that aren’t developing for both of the major platforms are ignoring a big chunk of that market. A few years ago we steered clients towards building Android mobile applications as well but these days, pretty much every savvy business is building both iPhone applications and Android applications and often doing iPad applications if it works with the concept.
Additional data from SponsorPay shows that mobile consumers are utilizing their mobile devices for 117 minutes each day on average. These consumers are taking devices everywhere they go. According to their report 11% of mobile gamers, for instance, will play games on their mobile device while in the bathroom.
With a market that is this large and devoted, businesses must embrace mobile application development as soon as possible or risk being left behind as their competition takes their market share. How can you grab this market? What app can you build for your business that consumers will want to have on their smart phone and better yet use on a regular basis? These are the devices consumers carry with them and have in their hands, this is a tremendous opportunity for your business to position your self right in front of your consumer’s eyes.
As smart phone screens get bigger with each generation of phones and as tablets are getting smaller with each generation, we are seeing the growth of a middle area product that tends to occupy the sweet spot between the two devices. We are also finding that for many businesses mobile applications developed specifically for phablets are an optimal solution given the extra screen space, portability and ease of use.
Samsung was the manufacturer that really set the stage with the Galaxy Note and just like their campaign for the Galaxy Note II says, its a “Phone? Tablet? Best of Both.” This is a spot in the market that appears to be growing and influential. Barclays predicts that phablet shipments will nearly double and get to around 228 million units by 2015.
The larger, high resolution displays on these devices are great for high powered mobile applications and yet offer portability that tablets don’t quite match as they are so easy to hold in one hand.
This portability makes mobile applications for business uses a perfect product to optimize for phablet usage. If you have business processes that relies on data entry such as questionnaires or inventory, etc, apps specifically developed for these devices are a perfect way to streamline your processes and work with a device that is ideal for the app and activity.
Mobile commerce isn’t the up and coming thing to be on the look at for and it certainly isn’t an opportunity for savvy business people any more. Mobile commerce has become a full fledged reality and in 2013 if you are not competing in this market space you are running a serious risk to being left behind.
Just this week, Intela, a key player in database marketing services, released a new report offering great insight into the growth of mobile commerce with the mobile web and mobile applications. It turns out that as of right now almost half of all Americans (44%) and 40% of UK consumers are likely to make purchases via mobile device.
Another key finding included in their report highlight the fact that email that has been optimized for mobile devices is key trigger for smart brands to cue smartphone owners to make purchases via the mobile applications or mobile web sites on their mobile phones. In fact approximately one third (36%) of Americans are finding this very effective.
Along with the growth of mobile commerce, we are seeing changing patterns in how consumers are paying for goods. Younger consumers seem prone to using NFC payment systems within focus groups of shoppers under the age of 40 (according to Mercator Advisory Group) and mobile payment options are resonating with this demographic very strongly.
Business mobile applications can no longer stand on the sidelines and be simply informative. Mobile consumers are ready to buy via their mobile devices and mobile applications should be designed to accommodate this trend. Additionally, mobile applications need to be developed to utilize mobile payment options and be attune to usage patterns with regards to their demographic.