iPad and iPhone Owners Download Over 60 Apps

According to data from a recent study by Asymco, iPad and iPhone owners download an average of over 60 mobile applications per device.

Amazingly, they are reporting that iOS application downloads are outpacing music downloads in terms of growth. The amazing growth of iPhone application and iPad application downloads is exciting news and a huge opportunity for savvy business people.

With users downloading custom built applications at such a high rate that there are massive opportunities to utilize this medium in ways people are thinking of everyday. Applications, regardless of if they are for iPhone or iPad or even applications for Android or BlackBerry applications are rapidly changing the way we communicate and do business.

Have you though of how you can use applications to enhance your customer’s experience? Provide them with useful data? Create a loyalty program? Give them important information to assist them in using your products better? The possibilities are endless and those that don’t push themselves into this realm may soon find themselves left behind.

Android OS Now Even With iOS

In their recent Mobile Mix Report for October, Millennial Media states that that the Android operating system has now drawn even with the iOS platform from Apple based on its recent strong sales  (full report). Yet despite this massive surge in available devices, the dedicated application talk on the street still seems to be strongly pointed at applications for the iPhone. While this is a great platform with a very solid user base that enjoys and utilizes apps, there seems to be a gap following the other devices in terms of application development.

This gap can create a huge opportunity for the proactive business person. Can you be the first on the block to bring a custom mobile application of a certain type to market for the rapidly growing Android platform? Or how about aggressively pursuing the Windows Phone 7 platform? Applications for Windows Phone 7 could be red hot in the near future with manufactures like Samsung embracing the platform. Or how about pursuing the under-served market looking for BlackBerry applications with a solid BlackBerry application development plan?

All of the platforms present great opportunities for custom m0bile applications, but sometimes the greatest opportunities exist when you are looking at the front end of a curve. Feel free to discuss your mobile application development needs a professional mobile application developer to see which platforms best suite you and your business.

iPhone Application Development Opportunity

Looking for a great way to approach iPhone application development or Android application development for your business right now? A recent survey by mobileSQUARED found that users in 2015 are thought to be “more likely to utilize mobile marketing or advertising promotions that are sent to them via their mobile phones than those generated through search, display or navigation.”

Mobile coupons or vouchers are going to be a hot topic for the next few years and present a great opportunity to market to your target customer base. Savvy businesses are positioning themselves to deliver coupons or offers to their potential client base via custom iPad applications or mobile applications designed for the iPhone, Android or BlackBerry platforms.

BlackBerrys, iPhones, iPads and Android devices have all moved past the point of being cool and have become the mainstream. If you have considered taking the plunge in to custom mobile applications to promote your business, talk to a mobile application developer about how you can use this exciting technology for your business. Think about how you can couple this with geo location features on you iPhone, BlackBerry or Android to further enhance the mobile nature of these apps.

With iPhone application development being far less expensive than many people imagine (Android and BlackBerry application development too), this is a great opportunity to market your business in a high profile and effective medium at a cost much more reasonable than most people think.

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