Based on different studies, it is estimated that between 25 percent and 50 percent of people will read this post on a mobile device. Consumers and business professionals have adapted to mobile apps, devices and web sites at a rapid rate, using ‘all things mobile’ to stay connected, find information or just have fun. In a new study from Syniverse, we see just how important mobile has become for businesses.
One of the key findings is that most businesses aren’t handling mobile developments in-house. According to Synivere’s report, a full 77 percent of those surveyed are turning to outside vendors for their expertise on how to succeed in the mobile market.
Furthermore, it this survey, it is found that 92 percent of the business people surveyed believe mobile is ‘important or very important’ to their business and 84 percent ‘plan to incorporate’ mobile into upcoming marketing plans. Additionally, 88 percent say they have a ‘defined’ mobile strategy for future marketing efforts.
Of those who currently have a strategy, around half state that they are in the process of implementing it. However, only 24 percent say that their strategy has been implemented at this point and only about 10 percent say they are currently developing a mobile strategy
Businesses were quick to understand that mobile apps and web sites allow them to prosper in their local markets. Going local deepens the engagement levels of consumers. Syniverse’s data shows that 73 percent of businesses surveyed have included a location-based strategy, which allows them to use geographic profiling to better interact with shoppers.
Mobile devices are rapidly becoming more and more important to the in-store shopping experience. Based on new data from GfK, about a third of people are now using mobile devices to conduct in-store research of products while they are shopping and a surprising 20 percent of those questioned have made a purchase with their mobile device while they were in a retail store.
According to the report, those shopping for consumer electronics and toys are the most likely to use mobile devices while shopping. Additionally data shows that 70 percent of US shoppers are using both online and offline info to make decisions on purchases. 64 percent of those of shoppers choose to go in-store to see and feel the product and 63 percent stated they buy in-store to get the product home sooner.
“The future of shopping is here,” says Kimber Johnson, Managing Director of Vanity Point. “Retailers need accept and embrace their shoppers’ habits and preferences or they will be left behind.”
Mobile Applications and Mobile Web Sites should be part of a unified brand that cuts across all platforms and delivers the information that this new shopper is looking for. Businesses can no longer feel content to sever customers while they are in the store but must cater to them on-line, in the store and everywhere in between.
According to a new report from BIA/Kelsey, mobile payment options are rapidly picking up steam with 40% of small businesses surveyed reporting they are now using mobile point of sale options. PayPal and Square are two of the top mobile payment options that brands are embracing. Beyond the 40% who report they are now using mobile point of sale, 16% say they will add the option within the next year.
Steve Marshall, director of research at BIA/Kelsey, states “A closer look at the data shows adoption of mobile and social varies across SMB industry sectors. The LCM data reveals professional and home and trade services are embracing mobile in a big way, with service providers essentially becoming walking POS terminals.”
Steve goes on to point out how mobile and social media are working together to transform small business, “Together, mobile and social tools are transforming the way SMBs acquire and retain customers,” said Marshall. “With the heavy use of social media, SMB marketing is quickly becoming a two-way engagement rather than a one-way promotion.”
As for how small businesses are engaging in social media, BIA/Kelsey’s report found that those that responded say they are ‘responding’ to comments, blogging, Tweeting/Updating social pages and pushing a loyalty program.
Clearly accepting mobile payments is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to utilizing mobile with small businesses as great opportunities exist for virtual displays and other ingenious ways to market products and inform customers. Augmented reality options will soon become the norm in retail rather than hovering out there as the next big thing.