Mobile App Downloads Still Growing

The latest data from Canalys shows that mobile app downloads climbed 11% in the first quarter of 2013 (over the previous quarter). Mobile apps continue to present an amazing growth market that keeps right on growing at a furious pace.

According to Canalys report, the world’s big four app stores generated a whopping $2.2 billion in revenue from 13.4 billion mobile application downloads in the first quarter of 2013.

While Google and Apple dominate the mobile market in terms of devices, Apple’s iTunes App Store has the largest percentage of revenue, 74%, when looking at the numbers for the first quarter of this year. On the other side of the coin, Google Play, was able to generate a majority, 51%, of all mobile app downloads.

App Interrogator dug into these numbers a bit more and found that Apple’s iTunes App Store, Google Play, Windows Phone Store and BlackBerry World enjoyed a 9% increase in revenue from paid applications, in-app purchases and paid subscriptions when compared to the previous quarter.

About Kimber Johnson
Kimber Johnson is the Managing Director of Vanity Point, Kimber has worked within the web development, graphics design, mobile application development, marketing and advertising fields for over 17 years.

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