Are you reaching customers through their most influential electronic device?

The mobile phone has become the single most influential device a person has right now.  It has therefore become essential for marketers to reach people through their mobile phone.

A key area of opportunity is for place-based media where the media will be able to trigger the decision-making at the moment of maximum influence.  This will be achieved through the use of varying forms of mobile content delivery technologies and a call-to-action message embedded within the media.

It is clearly time to start investing in comprehensive mobile marketing strategies that includes the convergence of mobile and place based media.

In addition to web optimized browsing, mobile applications and QR codes, huge opportunities exist for marketers to utilize proximity-based marketing via Bluetooth or internal wi-fi networks with content being pushed to mobile devices. Such programs have great opt-in rates and high conversion ratios.

About Kimber Johnson
Kimber Johnson is the Managing Director of Vanity Point, Kimber has worked within the web development, graphics design, mobile application development, marketing and advertising fields for over 17 years.

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