Why You Need A Mobile Application Right Now
PCs… Laptops… Smartphones… and now Tablets…. The way consumers shop is continuing to change and grow. The newest and hottest way to shop, and do research while in-store, is through a smartphone or other mobile device. While many merchants have been slow to adopt mobile sites and applications, shopping trends have changed, creating real opportunities for aggressive business owners and operators.
Deloitte’s 2011 Holiday Survey found 42% of consumers now own smartphones. This allows them to check pricing or product status at stores while they are shopping. By offering a mobile solution, you are one step closer to keeping your customers happy and shopping, instead of leaving for other stores that are providing the mobile data that they are looking for via mobile applications or mobile sites.
But just how popular is mobile shopping or research while in-store? According to new data from White Horse, a massive 84% of smartphone owners use their devices while shopping to check prices, research products, read customer reviews or get coupon codes. Customers are also checking the availability of items in other stores. These consumers could be checking the availability or pricing of products in your store if you provide a mobile application or mobile site.
Currently, savvy marketers are focusing on delivering the right content to shoppers in alignment with existing shopping trends and are capitalizing on doing so. A mobile application that is built to allow consumers to check prices, research products, and read customer reviews gives your business a marketable advantage over competitors who fail to deliver the information that consumers are looking to find.