Pump Up Your Mobile Program With Push Notifications

The best way to market to your mobile application users just might be through push notifications. 9 of the Top 10 in the 2015 Internet Retailer Mobile 500 use push notifications as part of their program to market to consumers, making push notifications the most-used feature among that group. Digging deeper we find that 136 of the 500 use push notifications.

Push notification use continues to grow with mobile applications and are something you should discuss with your mobile application developer. A study published this past Spring by OtherLevels found that the number of retail apps utilizing push notifications increased 48 percent from 2012 to 2013. Additionally the study went on to further detail that 66 percent of the top 100 retailers in the study with a mobile applications utilized push notifications.

Beyond just being popular amount top retail companies with mobile applications, push notifications have been shown to increase engagement and retention among consumers. In a study from Urban Airship, they detail that consumers who opted-in to push notifications on retail oriented mobile apps generated 40 percent more monthly app opens. The average increase in engagement across a spectrum of industries including media, retail, entertainment,  games and sports was 26 percent.

Looking at data gathered by Localytics, they found that users who enable push notifications have a 3X higher retention rate compared to users who disable them.

How do you make your push notifications more productive?

“It’s important to ask users for their preferences when you use push notifications,” states Kimber Johnson, Managing Director, Vanity Point. “This allows you to personalize delivery. Additionally, we encourage our client’s to use push notifications for useful information and not just advertisements. Useful information will create a click but spamming users with ads or frivolous information will just have them deleting your application or opting out of your push notification program.”

Smartphone Market Continues to Mature

As we watch the growth of smartphones sales it has been clear that this has not been solely a hardware related issue. The mobile applications and features available on the various systems are as much or more a part of the decision process than the hardware itself. Mobile application developers have helped push the industry as well.

“When asked about the main reason behind a handset choice, functionality comes up as the most important factor. Between 44% and 48% of buyers, depending on market, are more interested in functionality than the actual brand of a phone” states Chris Smith, BGR.

According to a new whitepaper from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, in the U.S., smartphone market penetration stood at 55 percent in the first quarter of 2014 and smartphone sales were 76 percent of all mobile phone sales.

This is generally a sophisticated market that does its homework.  “As much as US consumers can be familiar with the term ‘smartphone,’” the report mentions, “they still do their due diligence before purchasing their devices. Only 30% of buyers in Q1 2014 did not conduct any research before buying a smartphone.”

For the 70 percent of consumers who do research prior to their purchase, personal recommendations and advice are huge influences, “One fifth of consumers interacted with store sales assistants before going back into a store to buy, and one quarter sought advice from friends.”

Mobile Pushes Purchase Decisions

According to the 3rd Annual US Mobile Path to Purchase Study,  mobile is pushing purchase decisions. Often the actual purchasing of those products is happening in physical stores but consumers are researching their decision on mobile devices beforehand, which creates an excellent opportunity for businesses that are prepared with a solid mobile strategy covering mobile applications and mobile friendly web sites.

“Mobile is becoming a increasingly more important way to drive in-store activity for businesses,” say Kimber Johnson, Managing Director of Vanity Point. “Consumers are looking to make decisions quickly and often with a local focus, so we are seeing businesses that are prepared are benefiting.”

Points of interest from the study include:

1) Over a third of mobile shoppers say that they use mobile exclusively or that mobile is their most important research tool.

2) 64 percent of mobile shoppers say they finish purchases in-store rather than on their mobile devices.

3) 53 percent of mobile shoppers call local businesses from mobile search results.

Ability to access an audience that is looking to buy on their preferred device is essential. The study also states that product research typically happens at the beginning of the purchase funnel and that 65 percent of shoppers said they complete the purchase that day.

“Designing and developing mobile applications for both the iOS and Android platforms and mobile web sites to support the consumers in store experience is helping push purchase decisions,” continues Mr. Johnson, “putting the tools consumers want in their hands is essential in the modern market.”

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